Tuesday, May 01, 2007

notes from today... managing things

Manage a website redesign (or any other) project using Basecamp & wireframe your site as part of the planning process using Gliffy.

Manage your influx of geek-formation using NetVibes (or iGoogle), manage your life using GTD (Getting Things Done) techniques & tools...

Manage your blogging presence from the externally-hosted Blogger.com or Wordpress.com, but don't let it manage you - use your own domain name to personalize and professionalize the experience in your end-users' eyes (instead of librarywebhead.blogspot.com, e.g., I could create blog.librarywebhead.com or could use the blog as my homepage at www.librarywebhead.com).

If you already have a domain name, used for your email and/or your main website, however, you'll want to look into the creation of a subdomain (to understand domains, subdomains, and the corresponding A and CNAME DNS records, see this article at http://content.websitegear.com/article/subdomain_setup.htm), then use Blogger or Wordpress' domain options. These are fairly new features for the blogging services. In the past, if you wanted to use your own domain name, you needed to run bloggin software locally, from your own web server.

And, of course, manage your organization recognizing Google's 10 Golden Rules... these are particularly apropos, I believe, since the concept is to treat knowledge workers appropriately & what else are librarians but knowledge workers? Gems, such as this one originally from Drucker: 'strip away everything that gets in [the workers'] way'. Google's golden rules remind us why social computing is so important right now - with notions like 'the many are smarter than the few'. Google's rules include "hiring by committee" and decision-making by consensus, though informed by the evidence/data.

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