Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Drupalists can fix anything

1st day at Drupalcon & I discovered that I'm not registered!!! So that means no early-bird pricing, so all that hustle I got on in what, late January, was for naught (worse still, since the state doesn't pay for a single dollar of professional development, all of the costs associated with this conference are out of my own pocket (and no, they really don't pay well enough for me to underwrite these extras, but I truly believe in what I'm doing... I may be wrong on this) ...
But it turns out that not only do the folks at the registration booth seem to feel empathy for my plight, they actually went into the transactional db (I think that's what they were doing) & found my transaction still in checkout process, not finalized - from a couple of months ago. Further, they were able to complete it. So, early bird pricing retained. Tears of frustration on a Tuesday morning averted (I'm tired enough that almost anything can make me cry right now - hoping Dries' keynote isn't too inspirational! ;) )
As a wonderful woman at registration pointed out, "we can fix anything".
And that's what I love about the Drupal system and - more importantly - the Drupal community. Would that I could bring that ethos, empathy, and helpful attitude back to all state agencies who have to deal with the public.
Maybe if we empowered those state workers with a system that allowed them to "fix anything"??

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