Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Workshop on Web2.0 wrapup

Beth said that she will be posting the slides of her presentation at and that we can take a look at her other presentations available online through that site (she has another popular presentation - "Get Your Game On!" - about gaming & YA library services at that location). She also has a library gaming-oriented blog at
[Of course, neither YA nor gaming are my strong suit, so I'll concentrate on the core of the Web2.0 materials she presented... besides there was too much to completely cover it all here:]

1. She explained the difference between Web2.0 and Web1.0 (it's multifaceted, but suffice it to say that Web1.0 was static and handed down from content creator to website visitor; Web2.0 is dynamic, interactive, and "mashable" - the end-user is empowered to use the web services/site in a way that works best for them. Web2.0 is also more multimedia-oriented). This led to an interesting discussion about generational differences - about how Gen Y, aka, Millennials, can be thought of as "digital natives"... [I'll add to this the somewhat self-serving side aside that many Gen Xers went digital in their adolescence, though the digital of my era was more command-line and text-oriented... still, Google's creators are Gen Xers, so don't discount the optimism, spirit, and technological innovation of my generation! Who do you think is really BUILDING Web2.0, eh?]
2. She emphasized that Web2.0 is about "substitutions" [I prefer - "transformations", but the idea is the same, just the emphasis is different...]; blogs and websites, etc., substitute for print publications; podcasts substitute for traditional radio; mobile phones, Skype, SMS (text messaging), etc., substitute for traditional phone service; YouTube, Google Video, video blogging (vlogging), Slingbox, etc., substitute for traditional tv; and Netflix, downloadable digital movies, and video games can be used as substitutes for movies delivered in the usual way; also she mentioned the social aspect of the new web - that they can (and are) used by some people as a "substitute for bars" - this happens at Facebook, MySpace, the World of Warcraft, and Second Life (and through many other web services, no doubt).
3. Social tagging wasn't really covered in our session because we'd all gotten offtrack with so much discussion and debate about Web2.0 tech - but suffice it to say, online bookmarking/social tagging, is exemplified by services such as and Furl.
4. The thing that was newest to me and also the thing that I could probably see the least immediate use of (at this point), was the Virtual 3-D worlds [this despite their inherent coolness factor]... There is a library application of "Second Life", for example, wherein the Alliance Library System/OPAL has setup a virtual library building with true librarians acting as virtual librarians (well, it's kind of confusing and a little hard for me to explain) - go to for more info... [did you know that you have to buy "land" in Second Life to put up virtual "buildings" in this online world - and that you have to pay with real cash?]

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